Connected meters
Our Metro Lite Touch meters are robust, reliable and highly intuitive for end users. These sleek meters are solar-powered and can accept payments in cash, by card, and through integration with mobile phone applications.
Whether there’s wind, rain or sunshine, you can rest easy knowing that visitors, workers and residents will receive the same consistent, reliable experience from our industry-leading meters.

You’re always in the know
These meters are wirelessly connected every moment of the day, and their activities are recorded in real time, not saved up locally and sent through in batches. That means that at any time, you can receive a real-time, accurate report on the status of your whole fleet of meters.
Constant wireless connectivity also means that, with the help of our intelligent parking management system, EziCom, you can review and update tariffs or other parking regulations whenever you need, instantly.

Meters that operate reliably—no matter where you need them
Real time reporting and instant updates are very useful, but all the bells and whistles in the world won’t mean much if the hardware you rely on isn’t sturdy.
Thankfully, the Metro Lite Touch’s suite of capabilities is supported by an incredibly robust machine.
These meters were developed initially for the harsh and variable conditions of New Zealand’s coastline, and over time we’ve found that there are very few environments that challenge them. They operate smoothly even in the harshest conditions. Rest easy knowing that your fleet is up to the challenge.
What Metro Lite Touch meters can do for you
- The meters can accept cash, debit and credit transactions, and they can facilitate mobile payments where required
- The wireless internet connection means you can instantly update tariffs or other regulations no matter where you are
- There’s a robust electronic locking system to keep cash payments completely secure
- The interface is incredibly intuitive—in fact, UXalliance rated our MetroLite touch screens the most user-friendly parking meter interface out there
- These meters are solar-powered, and they run smoothly even in harsh conditions
Pay-by-Plate Factsheet
The Metro Lite Touch is the latest addition to the Orikan range of Pay-by-Plate & Pay-by-Space terminals. It has been specially designed to bridge the gap
between the traditional cash-and-ticket meters and emerging touch- free technologies such as smartphone payment apps. Download the factsheet and contact us to find out more.