Officer Services
Authorised officers
Orikan’s officer services provide highly-trained, professional authorised officers for inspection, audit and enforcement applications.
This is a complete solution from Orikan, which supplies the people-power, tools of the trade from vehicles to hand-held devices, industry-leading infringement management software, and onsite supervision for management and planning.

Parking specialists
At Orikan, we are parking specialists—this is our area of expertise, and we pass on the advantages of that expertise and our long industry experience to our clients.
Economies of scale in training, tools of the trade, work health and safety procedures and recruitment allow us to offer a quality service at a comparatively lower cost. We can also ensure our officers are using industry-leading software and hardware, which reduces administrative load and lifts infringement payment rates.
A community-centric service
We understand that authorised officers are working in and with the community.
They function as the enforcement arm of your organisation, supporting parking equity and keeping residents and visitors safe, but they are also ambassadors for your brand. Balancing these roles can be a challenge for any organisation.
Our teams are dedicated parking professionals with extensive training, and we ensure they have the detailed local knowledge necessary to perform their role to the highest standard. Our parking supervisors also work with local government on iterative improvement initiatives, create work plans and provide performance management.
What officer services can do for you
- Quality training and technology reduce administration and appeals from community members, resulting in increased infringement payment rates—in fact, we’ve found that across our client group, payment rates rise by 19%
- It’s a cost-effective solution that helps you achieve productivity gains, increases to accurate issuance, and stronger parking equity for your community
- Officers get priority access to new, industry-leading smart technologies for enforcement and issuance
- The solution reduces administration and overheads for work in the field as well as in the back office
- We manage recruitment, training, coaching and management of staff, and provide dedicated parking supervisors who will work with you on improvements and planning
Learn More
With Orikan’s officer services, you can provide fair and consistent enforcement that will increase parking turnover and ensure parking equity for your community. Download our factsheet and contact us to find out more.