Transport Agencies
We can help you connect to your community
Using products like our smart phone app and sensors you can create a transport service that promotes fair and equitable use of public spaces, so visitors, workers and residents get where they need to go.
You might need to verify legitimate users of a service, audit and enforce behaviour on transport services, get accurate information about parking bay use and capacity, or control tariffs.
Orikan is an industry-leading producer of technology that helps you understand and manage the people who use your network, so you can provide a safe, secure and equitable service.

What we do
Just as not all communities are identical, not all transport agencies have exactly the same goals.
But no matter your area of need, our solutions can operate individually or in concert to create a powerful impact that will help you overcome any challenge.
What we offer
- Infringements management and reminders
- Parking payment hardware and applications
- Wayfinding, and
- Local laws and parking enforcement services
- Electronic permits management