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Data Insights & Analytics

EziCom intelligence for the digital age

Introducing EziCom

EziCom is Orikan’s central control system for your fleet of parking meters and sensors. It provides insights and analytics that range from granular details about a single meter to visualisations and reports spanning entire localities.

Real-time information flows through from hardware on the street to populate an array of pre-existing reports, or you can generate your own custom visualisations and models.

Get up-to-date and accurate information about payments, occupancy, and everything in between, and control restrictions and tariffs from one central control system.

Ezi Com
Connected and flexible

You can use EziCom to update tariffs and restrictions in response to data received from meters and sensors in the field, so you can respond quickly and flexibly to changes as they happen, whether that might be events, emergencies, or changes in regular use of nearby facilities. Reports and alerts, such as overstay alerts or system errors, can be automatically forwarded to devices via SMS or email.

And all of these details can be provided securely within the scope of user permissions, which ensure that the right people receive the right information when they need it.

What EziCom can do for you

You can be connected to your fleet no matter where you are or what you’re doing: access intelligence from your desktop, tablet or smartphone in real time, anytime.
The web-based application means that you’re never responsible for installation, deployment, updates or maintenance to the system.
Get access to reports created using EziCom’s huge array of data, from faults, events, occupancy rates, sanitised credit card transactions, cash vault status, locations and more.

EziCom Factsheet

Access intelligence from your desktop, tablet or smartphone in real time, anytime. EziCom is a centralised, scalable, web-based control centre that does not require installation of separate software. To learn more download our factsheet and contact us today.